Creating A More Sustainable Future
Over 1,700 natives planted
660,00 litres of rainwater storage
243 Solar panels (84KW)
Over 30 years of minimising food waste!
We care deeply about our environment and are proudly committed to lowering our ecological footprint and taking climate action.
Tackling Food Waste
1.7 million tonnes of food is wasted in NSW each year. Food waste rotting in landfill emits methane, a greenhouse gas that’s 25x more powerful than carbon dioxide and a major cause of climate change. We hand over much of our organic food waste to local emus and chooks! Also, we’ve got a bustling worm farm that thrives off our compostables!
Water Harvesting
All of our rainwater tanks combined collect a whopping total of 660,00 litres! Water harvesting reduces the impact of stormwater, improves bushfire preparedness, and, most importantly, decreases reliance on treated municipal tap water (which is the world’s fifth largest source, contributing about 9% of global CH4 emission!)
Native Plantation
Trees do a great job at reducing air pollution and greenhouse gases. We have purchased and planted over 1,700 native plants for our wonderful campground. Not only have we purchased plants, we’ve also propagated and planted seed from native species onsite such as; bottlebrush, grass tree, grevillea parviflora, and grey gums.
Waste Management
Waste Management is a huge environmental issue! When not managed correctly, it poses a risk to our health, the health of our wildlife, and to our natural environment. In support of a circular waste economy, we have implemented four different waste bins here at camp: General Waste, Paper & Cardboard, Co-Mingled & Soft Plastics.
Fox Control
We partner with Local Land Services in their Wedderburn Fox Control Program to assist in the protection of our native animals, our livestock, and our biosecurity from the negative impact of a fox population.
Solar Electricity
We have 243 solar panels (84KW) installed here at camp! The panels do a brilliant job at receiving beautiful sunlight and generating it into usable energy - a truly renewable energy source!
Current Environmental Projects
Paper Reduction
Did you know that it takes 24 trees to make one tonne of paper, which is about 200,000 sheets?
In 2023 we started transitioning from a paper system to a digital booking system. This has been a huge process for us an organisation and we appreciate our customers patience through this transition. We are committed to reducing paper use and will continue to transition where possible away from paper.
Plastic Reduction
Did you know that Australians use 130kg of plastic per person each year?
Plastic is everywhere and it never breaks down! It infiltrates the food chain and ends up on our plates, and, once in the ocean, it endangers our marine wildlife. Reducing plastic is particularly difficult in the realm of catering & food safety standards. However, we are committed to searching for sustainable products that are in accordance with current food handling law.